Saturday, September 15, 2012

Making Sauerkraut

What does one do hours before heading off to Germany? Make a batch of homemade sauerkraut of course.

My grandparents always made homemade sauerkraut and I decided to give it a try. My late grandfather made this stomper for me years ago. My grandma gave me this crock to start with. I decided 3 gallons was good for my first attempt. Aaron likes the "3" on it.

It took 6 heads of cabbage to fill the 3 gallon crock. I got the cabbage at a farm stand in the Finger Lakes.

And now we wait.


  1. Where you keeping your crock? We may start one up soon.

  2. That is so awesome! My Baba had a big barrel she kept in the garage...I would sneak bits now and then! I love to make Sauerkraut Perogies =)

  3. As soon as I saw the stomper I was coveting it. Then I read that your
    G Pa made it for you and that makes it even more awesome!

  4. Shannon - We are keeping in the basement. Seems to be doing well.
