We just got back
from my parent's house in PA. Yes... you have been reading pre-written posts.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program. Well... just a quick post today...
I was inspired to clean/organize my attic when I got home from work today, and
now I am pooped.
Tina wrote an interesting post about the new dairy diet fad. I am so down with the calcium diet. I have been glugging down a big chocolate milk at breakfast or lunch and snacking on cheese. The only thing she neglected to mention was the nifty milk bottle you can send away for with milk proof of purchases. I know it looks a little like a water bottle and the thought of chugging milk from it while on the treadmill makes me a little queasy... but I think it would be good for my mid morning milk hit at my desk.
It'd be good if it had one of those stirrer things (like the coffee mug Sonny got Dad), to keep your Quick from settling.