had some Christmas money that I alloted for snowboots. Considering where I live,
I decided I needed real snowboots. And I don't mean the hiking boot style or
snow clogs. I have plenty of those. When there is three feet of snow on the
ground, what good are those? I hate that yucky feeling of snow slipping into
the top of your short boot or wet pant cuffs on the back of your legs. I wanted
sturdy insulated boots that came up to my knees!
I didn't find any that came up to my knees, but I found some pretty good boots in the women's shoe section. Then I spotted nearly the same boots in the kid's section. I thought "I can fit in those!" And I could! In fact I needed one size smaller than their biggest kids size. And they were half the price. So I am now tromping around in a pair of kids Columbia snow boots.
Inspired by my success, I peeked into Gap kids during their big sale, and scored a striped Mr. Rogers sweater way marked down. This may be the beginning of a trend for me.
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