Thursday, October 11, 2001


The local news always amuses me. Last night they showed a story on how swarms of ladybugs are covering the houses of local residents. The weatherman confirmed that the change in weather caused this. Apparently ladybugs are gathering in groups to decide where to go for winter.

I like ladybugs. The ladybugs are welcome to come and hang out at my place to discuss their vacations plans. I can hear it now... Ladybug #1 - "How about Cancun? I just got the cutest little bikini!" Ladybug #2- "No no, Hawaii! I hear it's lovely this time of year."

There was also a story about a group of white deer that might be scooted off the land they are living on here in Rochester. They are the world's only group of white deer. The entire world. I thought that was amazing.

I was shocked by the latest hijinx of Bert. What on earth are you doing Bert? I mean really!

Thank goodness I did watch the news last night... or else I wouldn't have known that the first episode Survivor Africa was on tonight.

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