Friday, April 19, 2013

Old and new blue Mason jars

I have collection of vintage blue Mason jars. Some of them have the original zinc lids. My mom and my grandma gave me most of these.

When my new blue vintage style jars came I didn't have plans for them except one.

I get a lot of comments that when I juice spinach or kale about how gross the color is. I thought using a blue jar for the green juices might help a little. Well, maybe not. The blue jars do look nice with my blue cuppow lid.


  1. Looks delicious! I am waiting on my order of jars hoping ace tells me I can pick them up today.

  2. Hi! I recently found a large blue mason jar like the one you have In the back left of your picture. Can you tell me some info about it? Like how old it is etc. thanks!
