Sunday, April 15, 2012

The great Frye boot tale

Aaron has always wanted a Harley. In turn, I thought he always wanted a pair of motorcycle-type boots. For Easter I decided I would get him a pair, since a Harley would not fit in an Easter basket.

I had noticed that a good friend of ours Matt B, had a pair of boots he is quite fond of. I have heard him talk about the brand, Frye boots. Rave about them in fact.

I found them online and was pleased to learn they were made in the USA since 1863. Excellent. I amused myself for a couple weeks by acting out in my head Aaron's delight opening up the boot box. I love giving gifts. I really love getting someone justtherightgift.

Fast forward to Easter. Every year I stage an Easter egg hunt for my family with various goodies hidden around my grandmother's yard. Some things are person specific with a label and some are up for anyone.

Aaron was one of the last to find his special goodie. After a stuggle to pull it out from under the forsythia bush I hid it under he peered at the box and said "Huh".

Well ok... wait til he opens it, I tell myself. We all go inside and I wait with baited breath. He opens the box, pulls out a boot and mildy states "I've always wanted a pair of these."

That's it?! I ordered this very special pair of Frye Harness 8R boots and that's it?!

"I don't get very excited about shoes.", "Shoes are a hard thing to buy someone.", "I've never heard of Frye." and then "They feel kinda funny, my heel is slipping up." he tells me.

What? You want to send them back? No, no, no. You don't understand, these are FRYE BOOTS!

I ask our friend, Joel R. who knows a little about everything if he has heard of them. "Of course. They are the orginal sh*tkickers!" followed with "I did work in a shoe store you know." Hmmmm.

I take the situation to the source, Matt. B.

"I got Aaron a pair of Frye boots!" I exclaim.
"Awesome" he replies.
"He wasn't excited enough!" - me
"Welcome to guy world" - Matt
"He hadn't even heard of them!" - me
"Oh ahhh, neither had I. My wife had to educate me." - Matt

AAAAAAAnd there goes my argument. Aaron is smug. I am sheepish. But he does love the boots and he is keeping them.


  1. Just read this post to my husband and now he's on Frye's website drooling over the boots and how well their made. He's making it very clear that he now really really wants a pair.

  2. I bought myself a pair of Frye boots for $36 plus credit card points (how awesome is that?) and am so absurdly in love with them - they're so well made! And I love that they're the kind of boots worth getting resolved when they wear down. I completely get your enthusiasm!

  3. Please email me at to get a 20% coupon the next time you buy shoes or boots!!!!!! That goes for anyone that reads this too. just email me and I will send you a coupon!! Zappos rocks!
