Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin snack

Did you know dogs love pumpkin?

Well, mine do at least.


  1. Be aware, it's a laxative. I know from experience: don't give it to your dog and then go to work. You will be in for a big cleanup!

  2. The squirrels tore into one of our pumpkins, and now our dog alternates between chasing them off and trying to get pumpkin for herself.

  3. Ellen - Squirrels completely consumed our jack o'lanterns last year! Squirrel or pumpkin? That is a tough choice for a dog!

  4. I feed my Chihuahua pureed pumpkin from the can (not the pumpkin pie filling, just the pureed pumpkin). He gets about 2 tbsps when he is feeling a little constipated. I can usually tell by how his tummy puffs out. I give him the pumpkin (he LOVES it by the way) and within two hours he is ready to go.

  5. Firesong - that is a great tip.
