Friday, July 22, 2011


We are having a heat wave and I'm doing everything I can to stay cool. That includes keeping this mass of hair off my neck. Today... Swiss Alp braids. I don't know what this hair style is named, so I called it that. I could go for some fondue now.


  1. Your hair is so cute! I would love to do mine like this. Do you have any tips on how to do it? Did you do two pigtails and then pin them up? Thanks for any advice-- I need all the hair help I can get! :)

  2. That is pretty much what I did - two pigtails pulled on top of my head and pinned down.

  3. I do this to my daughter's hair and we call them "Heidi braids." I'm not sure what the official name is, though.

  4. Thanks so much for the advice! :)
