Monday, December 27, 2010


I try a lot of social media sites. Some stick (Twitter) and some don't (Plurk). Every once in awhile one comes along that totally fill a need. Right now I am completely obsessed with Pinterest.

My blog is made up mostly of my own content. I don't highlight stuff from others very often. But I find soooo much cool stuff! I can tweet it but the visual aspect of twitter isn't all there. I could post it to Facebook, but only my FB contacts would see it. I have been bookmarking them in my Google Reader and then that is where they stay, for my eyes only. But now with Pinterest, they are all there for sharing. I love the visual impact of the site, you can skim over the thumbnails and feast your eyes on all the goodness.

The idea is you create "boards" into which you "pin" cool stuff you like online. The organizing freak in me just loves dividing things into categories like crafts and recipies.

My boards.

My pins.

I love it! I just love it! I love pinning up things and I love seeing what others have posted. I have a few invites if anyone is interested, just leave me a comment.

NOTE: if you leave a comment wanting an invite and you don't have your email address on your blogger profile you have to email it to me - my email address is on the right side of my blog.


  1. I'm interested. I used to use Wists quite regularly. I'm no also looking for something to replace delicious :(

  2. Love, love, love Pinterest! How did you get your book picks to show up nice and big? When I pinned from amazon they came out really tiny?

  3. I'm interested as well - I've been trying to find something like this, but nothing really stuck. This seems like it might be exactly what I've been looking for. I especially like the visual element this provides.

  4. I'm interested in the for sure! I had been contemplating how to share more of this type of thing, but didn't want to clutter my blog with it. This sounds perfect!

  5. i'm definitely interested!
    would love using this for recipes i want to cook

  6. I'm interested too! I would love to use to organize craft projects and knitting and recipes....

  7. I would love an invite, so many cool things that words alone don't do justice. Thanks for the great find.

  8. I would be interested! I love how it looks kind of like the etsy interface.

  9. If you have any invites left I'd love one. It looks wonderful.

  10. Linda, Lisa, Grace & Ali - I sent your invites. Enjoy!

    Jess, Callie, Jenn, & Polarama - I couldn't find your email addresses on your profile or blog, can you email them to me? My email is on the left of my blog. Thanks!

  11. teamaldrich - my books are posted from Chronicle books

  12. Ohh! I'm definitely interested!

  13. OMG this is just up my alley....I LOVE to cook and craft, but I was posting everything on my FB page....and I think all my friends were getting kinda
    " Ya Sherry...whatever..." so I took them all down. This is a place where people who want to see this kind of stuff will really appreciate it!
    invite please =)

    PS. Wally is just adorable!

  14. If you have any invites left, I'd love one! I requested an invite on the site just in case.

    Turns out we bookmark a lot of same ideas!

  15. You know I'm there. If you still have some left.

  16. Hieu & Aprille - invites on their way.

    Sherry & Michele - I couldn't find your emails - can you email it to me?

  17. Very cool!
    I'm interested, if you have any invites left.

  18. Hi! I'm interested. Do you happen to have any more invites? Thanks. :)

  19. I`m interested! If you have anyone left, I`d love to get an invite :) Congrats on the new addition to your family :)

  20. Gosh, I hope they gave you 50 invites! If you still have one hanging around, I'd love to try Pinster! Merry Christmas!

  21. Please invite me if you still have some left.

  22. Ohh! - this would be so much better than my cobbled together dashboard which is entirely populated by bookmarked projects lumped together loosely by subject and space available! If you've got an invite left I'd love one too.

  23. I would really like an invite if you still have some. This looks like a great way to keep track of things I see around and in categories!

  24. I've been trying to find an invite to Pinterest as well. I'd love to receive one if you have any still available. Thank you!

  25. Sharon - invite sent! Everyone else - you're email isn't on your blogger profile so you need to email it to me.

  26. Any invite left? I would like to join Pinterest.



  27. Jenny, if you still have any invites left, I'm interested! Thank you! I think my e-mail address will show up with this, but will e-mail you just in case...

  28. If you have any invites left, I'd love to give it a try. Happy New Year!

  29. Ah, nevermind. I just signed up to be on the waiting list, and a few hours later I received an invite. Unfortunately, it seems the only way you can sign up is to sign in with Facebook or Twitter? That makes me uneasy... :(

    (Unless it's a phishing scam!)

  30. Awesome. I requested an invite through the site so as not to hassle you ;) You always find the neatest stuff. Thanks for sharing :)

  31. Absquatulate - I was trying to find your email address. I guess I am used to sites that only go through Facebook or Twitter now.

    lilfish - I think their invites have sped up a bit now that the holidays are over.

  32. OH! This is what I was asking you about on FB! OK, so I'm going to sign up. I think I love this! Thanks, Jenny!

  33. Oops. May I have an invitation, please?

    Thank you!

  34. I would also like an invite too. Thanks so much!

  35. Is it too late to beg for an invite? I want to test it for work. (just sent you a tweet from @harehr.)
