Friday, July 9, 2010

Mystery Plant

My boss has this giant monster plant growing in his yard and none of us knowwhat it is. He thought at first it was lambs ear 'cause it had soft leaves but it has grown like crazy and is now two feet taller than it is in the picture!

Anyone out there have any ideas?

UPDATE: It appears that it is a Common Mullein aka Wooly Mullein. Actually it has lots of names. Here is sounds pleasant... here it sounds like a menace!


  1. When I was 8 my mom sent me to a science/wildlife camp and it helped me get over my fear of bugs! At the camp, I think I remember learning about this plant, the common mullein. (wiki article here) (our teacher recommended it as toilet paper should we ever need it in the woods)

  2. Yup. Definitely looks like mullein. Lots of herbal uses for it should he want to try it. :)

  3. Agree with above. Also called "aaron's rod" ;)

  4. Have you tried contacting the Cornell Cooperative Extension?

  5. Thanks for the intel!

    Another person sent me this link - The Great Mullein

    (Sounds like the name of a magician ;)

    It is now 8 feet 11 inches tall and counting...

  6. a type of tabacco plant is my guess

  7. looks like a triffid to me. You better keep a close eye on it and get ready to run away!

  8. it is lambs ear or Mullien - it's a biennial so this is what it looks like in second year when it blooms.
