Monday, June 30, 2008

Buick Open

I came home from the Buick Open on Friday, just missing riding in the blimp because it was stuck in Toledo due to bad weather.

I had a great time at the tournament. Buick had a nice set up. I was especially enthralled with the Buick golf carts. So cute. I want one to drive around my neighborhood.

You can read more about my few days in Michigan on 1000 Words here, here and here.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Park, Paddle and Peddle

We were down at Schoen Place to ride the Sam Patch on the Erie Canal when I noticed a bunch of kayaks and paddleboats in the water. Turns out the Erie Canal Boat Company is renting out canoes, kayaks, paddle boats and bikes.

I am so excited. They have programs like Park, Paddle & Peddle. You park in Fairport, bike the towpath to Pittsford then kayak back to Fairport. I can't wait to try it!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Snails and toads

Aaron's family is in town to celebrate his mom's birthday and we took them to Sonnenberg Gardens. While everyone else was admiring the gardens I was oogling the oodles of snails that were crawling out from under the bushes after the rain.

I couldn't get over how many there were. I would bend over to take a picture of one and oooh there's another - snap - oh there's another - snap -hey look another - snap

I liked this mama and baby snail pair.

Yeah there were a lotta snails and I took a lotta pictures. Probably around thirty to forty.

Oh and there were super teeny tiny toads too.

Friday, June 27, 2008


This evening Aaron picked me up from the airport when I arrived from Michigan and drove straight to Frontier Field for a baseball game where the new WeROC campaign was going to be promoted.

We ROC is a campaign to build a bigger sense of pride in the Greater Rochester area. I like the taglines in their campaign like...

If You're Trash Talkin' Rochester, You Better Be Ordering a Garbage Plate

Those Who Say Wine Country Only Exists in California Can Put a Cork In It

When Nature Gets Feisty, We Measure It With a Ruler, Not a Richter Scale

890,000 Patents and Almost as Many Festivals

While we were there Aaron posed with the Red Wings mascot. I thought it was a nice picture when I took it... then I got it home, downloaded it and noticed the little kid peer over the mascots head. He looks like he thinks Aaron should get his sticky paws off HIS mascot!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


We were driving the wrong direction to the tournament this morning when I spotted The Melting Pot. We decided to go there for dinner. So good. Melted cheese, lobster and steak cooked in broth, melted chocolate. Heaven. Am already plotting to visit The Melting Pot in Buffalo.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

At the Buick Open

Working at the Buick Open during the big Kodak Challenge announcement.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

stamps and chairs

Aaron brought me home a sheet of thse Eames stamps from the post office. I was really excited... no not because I am stamp collector, because I am so not... but because two of the chairs on the stamps I just happen to have...

... in mini versions! Hee! So cute.

I love mini stuff. I got these in blind boxes at the Kinokuniya book store in NYC.

Monday, June 23, 2008

funny signs

Some funny signs I've seen recently...

Look at those hands! I don't think I have ever seen one of these figures with individual fingers. And who throws their hands in the air like that when they trip? I wonder how many people tripped because they were laughing at that sign as they were walking along. It's more like CAUTION: JAZZ HANDS!

Whazzat sign say? No trucks? Whazzat parked next to the sign?

Oh yah! A big ol' truck! Hah!

I don't think this one needs any explanation.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Turkey Hill ice cream cow

Today Aaron and I went to the LPGA. I finally tracked down the giant cow that had been spotted in the area. Yay for free ice cream samples!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Scooter accessories

The scooter rack and basket Aaron ordered for my birthday arrived. Now I can haul stuff on my scooter. It's been raining all week though... Not ideal scooter weather.

Friday, June 20, 2008

summer yarn shop window

I forgot to take a picture of the spring window I did for my friend Sarah's yarn shop. Aaron helped me make these yarn flowers for the windows.

The flowers are yarn balls on green dowel rods stuck in flower pots. Last night it was time to switch the spring window out for a summer one.

I went with a picnic theme with my friend Debbie's idea for yarn ice cream cones.

She rolled balls of yarn which I stuck on ice cream cones.

I think they turned out really cute.

Aaron also put together a yarn hamburger for the display. He was quite pleased with it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

First veggie pickup

Although we loved the CSA farm we belonged to last year, it was more than a half hour drive away. It wasn't the best thing to be driving there and back each week. This year we have switched to Wndy Meadow Farms which delivers everyone's produce to drop off locations and we only have a mile to pick up our veggies. We can even walk there or take our scooters.

This week was our first veggie pickup. We even got to choose what we wanted. We selected potatos, radishes, spinach but no... absolutely no cilantro. We are cilantro tastes like soap people. Well, they still gave us cilantro anyhow. That's okay. The radishes were really good.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Oscar and Stewie are on Snuzzy today! Snuzzy is a dogster and catster site where "cute and fuzzy collide". There is plenty of ridiculous cuteness on the the website.

I am so proud of them!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

kitty pans

We found these pans at TJ Maxx and I thought they were so cute. Red doesn't even match my kitchen. Stewie is suspicious that they are for cooking kitties in.

Silly Stewie. Don't you know kitties aren't for eating? Kitties are for wearing ridiculous hats found in clearance bins.

Monday, June 16, 2008

First Strawberry

We got our first strawberry from our new strawberry plants. Well, it's the first one we found before Oscar got a chance to pluck it off the vine. The plants have a little fence around them now to keep the strawberry thief away.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Today we went to homearama to tour the latest in home building. I enjoy looking through the houses. This one was called the yoga house and had cork floors.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


This weekend we got to do some tidying up around the house. I ordered these shelves on sale at CB2 and enjoyed organizing our books on them.

We also have this ladder bookshelf from Target. I really enjoy arranging books on shelves. Wonder if I should have been a librarian.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Leaving Las Vegas

Wrapping up the conference and heading home today. Took a walk outside and took some pictures of the amazing view. The golf course here is supposed to be great.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lake Las Vegas

Originally uploaded by ljc@flickr

The BMA conference is at Lake Las Vegas. Went outside to take a look around. Very scenic.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Originally uploaded by ljc@flickr

In Las Vegas speaking at the Business Marketing Association 2008 Conference. The hotel lobby smells strongly of rosemary and I seem to be smelling it everywhere now.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Send your name to the moon

I make no secret that I am a bit of space geek. I have land on the moon, a star and my thesis was a NASA project proposal.

So when I found out you can add your name to a list to be sent to the moon I went right away and signed up. (it's on the right side of the page) The deadline is June 27 and you get a certificate to download and print out. Geektastic!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Missing the beach.

My mom coined a new term. Vacation hangover. I think I've got it bad.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008

So full.

So full.
Originally uploaded by ljc@flickr

We stopped at captain georges all you can eat seafood buffet on our way home from the beach. Oh crab legs. Stuffed to the gills. Melted butter everywhere.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Creepy beach fog.

Creepy beach fog.
Originally uploaded by ljc@flickr

A wierd fog rolled onto the beach this afternoon. We amused ourselves by suggesting different things that could emerge from the mist.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

fourth anniversary

Today is aaron and my fourth anniversary. We got each other the same pug cards. Fourth anniversary is fruit and flowers. He got me my favorite chocolate bar, a cherry necklace and a flower necklace.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Originally uploaded by ljc@flickr

I found a starfish on the beach this morning.

Monday, June 2, 2008