Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Walnuts

The highlight and inspiration for this year's Christmas theme (other than the fact it's been a nutty year) were the huge walnuts I decorated to go on everyone's gift.

I have used walnuts as decorations before, but I have never given any away.

This is the first time I have glittered them too.

I picked the walnuts from my grandmother's English walnut trees over Thanksgiving.

I soaked the walnuts to get the shell gunk off and then I cracked them and dug out the nuts that were still good.

Each walnut got a loop of velvet ribbon stuck on top before I glued them back together.

After the glue dried, I spread glue all over the walnuts and then sprinkled them with glitter.

I made a lot of glittered walnuts!


  1. Those are so beautiful. I never would have thought of that.

  2. I don't think I have ever seen a walnut that large. Are these special to your region? I must have some!

  3. Great idea,thanks for sharing. ALthough I'll never be able to find walnuts this big in France!

  4. You two are nuts!
    Sometimes I imagine Aaron coming home to your projects and think about his various reactions. I know he's your partner in crime but does he ever roll his eyes and threaten divorce? Bwahaha!
    Thanks for all the awesomeness in 2008!

  5. They are just English Walnuts from a tree in Pennsylvania. I don't think they are special kind.

  6. Wow that's a lot of work. Great job.


  7. Those are so cute. You have wonderful ideas. One of my biggest fears and also a pet peeve, just happens to be glitter! Just the sight of all those hanging walnuts gave me shivers at the thought of all the possible glitter on the floor. It's so fun to see the creative gifts you put together for your friends.

  8. You are just too darn creative. Where do you come up with such cool stuff? Martha Stewart, eat your heart out!

  9. i'm surprised stewie didn't have a field day with that last photo. heh.

    - trish
