Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fall Pyrex

I have been so busy being out of the country and whatnot I haven't had a chance to post my latest Pyrex acquisitions. I didn't get these all at once. These are about eight months of collecting. People ask me how I get such great pieces. It's my mom! She is so good at spotting them at yard sales and auctions. She rocks. Of course she would pass out if she saw I was actually using some of these. I broke a pitcher this week! :(

These are some of my favorites here. Basically, I love turquoise and anything with a carrier. The cream of the crop is the Corning Glass Works casserole from Greencastle, PA which is very close to my hometown.


  1. They are absolutely gorgeous! I love the turquoise ones with the snowflakes design. (I think that is what they are?) I need some of your mum's luck can never find anything like that!

  2. Nice! I'm a Corning native (now in Rochester) so these are near and dear to MY heart, too. A possibly pedantic note on usage: I would refer to most of what you have shown as CorningWare or Corelle, not Pyrex, which is a term I use exclusively for clear glass products from Corning. YMMV, though:)

  3. Ooo, I LOVE the polka dotted bowls in the bottom right corner!

    Must. Locate. My own!

  4. I just sold a set of turquoise mixing bowls for the insanely low price of $10. They were terribly scratched up, which is how they came to me when I bought them off ebay.

  5. nice additions!! You should definitely use your pyrex!
    I use a lot of mine and really enjoy cooking+serving with it. I was baking with my 3-year old a few days ago and he broke one of my vintage pyrex mixing bowls. wah! I was unnaturally upset since it was from a set of 4 that took me several years to complete (hitting flea markets/junk stores). Then I realized I have a good reason now to do some more pyrex shopping...
