Monday, June 23, 2008

funny signs

Some funny signs I've seen recently...

Look at those hands! I don't think I have ever seen one of these figures with individual fingers. And who throws their hands in the air like that when they trip? I wonder how many people tripped because they were laughing at that sign as they were walking along. It's more like CAUTION: JAZZ HANDS!

Whazzat sign say? No trucks? Whazzat parked next to the sign?

Oh yah! A big ol' truck! Hah!

I don't think this one needs any explanation.


  1. Love the funny signage! Glad to know I'm not the only one who takes piccies of crazy signs :)

  2. You should consider putting the "Jazz Hands" sign in the Flikr group "Stick figures in peril" They'd love it!

  3. That is awesome! I love the Jazz Hands!!

  4. off topic...

    i started reading your insider blog and wanted to thank you for recommeding the mini-cupcakes at goodness cakes!! so good :)

  5. Those are pretty hilarious! I love the description of the jazz hands. They had a guy on the new (and quite hilarious I think) show Wipeout, that they picked on about jazz hands. Great finds Jenny!

    { Lindsey }

  6. Jenny, those are so funny...especially the "jazz hands" sign...also, i wonder where someone got the "hammer time" bumper sticker, or is it a relic from hammer's time?

  7. the stop sign stickers were from glarkware. i think they stopped selling them, but here is the cached page:

  8. I love that stop hammer time sign! It makes me laugh any time I drive by it.

  9. OMG the "Stop! Hammer Time" made me laugh. Makes me want to vandalize some signs where I live.
