Friday, February 8, 2008

My toe is finally starting to feel better, but the nail has turned a very odd color. Tina was calling it Tiffany Blue and it so was not Tiffany Blue. I thought it was more purple. So what do designers do when faced with just such a problem? Shruti got out the Pantone swatches.

Well, turns out the nail isn't exactly purple and is certainly is not Tiffany Blue. It's Pantone 550. So there you have it.


  1. That is awesome (the color matching, not your sore toe) and I am cracking up! I hope it doesn't hurt too much.

  2. Hilarious!

    And so painful looking :(

  3. YIKES! Looks like the nail might fall off eventually. The same thing happened to me once after I wore a too tight ski boot all day.
    Hopefully the new nail grows in by sandal time!

    As always, you make me smile! :-)

  4. Which is definitely better than Pantone 546. Yipes.

  5. "it so was not Tiffany Blue"


  6. paint the rest of your toes that color and you'll be set...they make nail polish in that color, you know...awesome...

  7. You are most definitely going to lose your toenail and it will take at least 6 months to grow back. Unfortunately, I speak from experience (on more than one occasion - uggh!) So I really hope your toe feels better soon!

  8. 6+ months and mine still hasn't grown out yet! My doctor just suggested I paint it so it was less noticeable. Unfortunately it's still somewhat sensitive so that means no pedicures. :(

  9. Yikes, again, sorry about your nail, but the color matching is awesome! Bwah! Ha! Ha!

  10. Pantone 550 is one of my faves. Not for feet though.
