Monday, December 31, 2007


winter evenings = flannel sheets

Especially nice are ones with sledding penguins on them.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


winter = pockets full of candy canes

I keep a jar filled so I can grab a few as I go out the door.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


long winter days = hot chocolate

I even set up a jar just for storing the mini marshmallows

Friday, December 28, 2007


A few people have asked me about the string I used to tie up my Christmas packages. It is a large spool of baker's twine I bought online... quite inexpensively. This spool should last me the rest of my life. I don't remember the exact place but a google search will turn up several alternatives.


It was the Little Italy pastry shops that I frequented during our visit to Boston that inspired me to use baker's twine.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


My mom found this painted recipe holder shaped like a mini rolling pin. I think the design matches my candle carousels.

The recipe is from Max Brenner's.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


This year's Christmas theme was inspired by my deer collection. I think I might keep some of them out even after the New Year.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Here is a picture of our mantle decorated for Christmas.


It has my collection of Christmas bendy figures, mini snow globes and mini jewery boxes (faux limoge).

We are in PA by the way and at the mercy of internet dial up. Blog posting and email will be sketchy at best.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


I got a few new ornaments for our tree this year.


Little metal Joy to the World sign...


... and a matching Merry Christmas sign... from Joann Fabrics.


Here is a little crocheted turtle from the Martha Stewart Kmart Sugar Plum collection.


I also got a set of mini kitchen utensils from Martha's Kmart collection. There was a lot of cute stuff in her holiday collection.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Someone asked in my comments about this little tree. I got it at Wegmans and it is just the right size for displaying my favorite little ornaments. Here are a few of them.


I got this little vintage ball at a yard sale. It used to have candy inside.


I love this glass mushroom ornament.


Glass Peter Rabbit.


Glass chick peep.


Fuzzy Peep.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Longtime readers know that every Christmas I have a "theme" that I carry through that year's gift wrap and Christmas Cards.


This year my theme was "A Woodland Christmas". I was inspired by my collection of plastic deer... and the fact Aaron could make mushrooms and acorns on his lathe.


I was able to use the Woodland Creatures craft supplies from Martha's Craft line at Michaels.


Here is what the wrapped teacup candles looked like. Quick and easy to put together. Here are some more pictures of how I put them together.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Here is what Aaron and I made for Christmas gifts this year.


Aaron turned the acorn and mushroom ornaments on his lathe and I made the teacup candles.


I found the teacups at yardsales and flea markets throughout the year. Here are pictures of how I made the teacup candles.


Aaron stained the top of the acorns and mushrooms and added the hooks to finish them off. Here are a few pictures of Aaron making the ornaments.


I love the mushrooms. I have plans for him to make more for me to paint. I hope our friends like their gifts this year!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Here are two of my favorite Christmas decorations... my German Christmas Carousels/Pyramids.



I actually got this one at Target a few years ago on clearance.


They cast a wonderful glow when they are lit. I am having trouble finding more candles to fit the one on the left though.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


A reader asked if I would share some pictures of my Christmas decorations. I would love to!


These are pictures of my vintage Santas. Aaron thinks some of them look creepy, but I love the nostalgia they invoke.


These little plastic Santas in sleighs with reindeer are the best.



Ho, ho, ho!

I will have more pictures in the days to come AND pictures of this year's handmade gifts and trimmings.

Monday, December 17, 2007

This year's Oscar & Stewie Holiday Cards just arrived from the Gallery and we got them all addressed and stamped this evening.


Aren't this years holiday stamps the cutest? I should have gone with a knitting theme this year.


So what theme did I go with this year? I don't want to give away my card design too soon, but check out these out takes. *chompy*

Sunday, December 16, 2007

We are having a snow day today. We stocked up on yummy treats and firewood and snuggled in.


Oscar and Stewie are forced to bunk together to stay warm.


When that isn't good enough they resort to sitting on heat vents.


Or they put on their Christmas t-shirt and sweater.

Heh, heh, heh, heh.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


We are expecting a big snowstorm this weekend. We have only had a bit of snow so far. This is what I found on my car last week when I came out of work. Thanks Joel.

Friday, December 14, 2007


This evening we had a Holiday Cookies and Cocktails party. I pulled fresh baked chocolate chip, white chocolate chip and macadamia nut, peanut butter kiss and molasses cookies out of the oven all night.


I was pretty happy to wear my new apron during the party. Party pictures are on My Gallery.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's weird how sometimes I notice certain things popping up everywhere. (ew bad pun)

A few weeks ago I went to see a pop up book exhibit at RIT with Aprille and her husband. It was so cool, there were giant examples of the different sorts of techniques.

Soon after I saw a commercial for Lexus where the car is in a pop up book. Then I saw another commercial for TGI Fridays with a pop up menu. Recently Fergie came out with a video where she is inside a pop up book.

But the best one.... my favorite show... Pushing Daisies had an episode where they suspected a pop up book author of murder. Some of his books were "The Pop Up Book of Sports Related Deaths" and "Pop Up Pin Up". I love that show.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I love going to holiday parties. Last weekend was Aaron's office holiday party. Funny story. We were told we won in a drawing and our prize was over on the tv table. The table that holds the grand prize flat screen tv that is.


Turns out our prize was a giant wooden animatrontic toy soldier. Not the big flat screen tv. *sigh*

The toy soldier is almost as big as me and when I am home alone I see it out of the corner of my eye and it scares the wits out of me. Must go. I think Aaron is going to sell it on eBay.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I love pockets. I like putting my hands in my pockets. I like putting lip gloss in my pockets.

But every once in awhile I will get a new pair of pants or a jacket and the pocket are SEWN SHUT. Just like the pockets on my new grey jacket shown above. It is a mystery of the universe. 

Everyone has been so helpful in finding a pattern for my little snowman... (I think this one is spot on) that I am hoping that someone will know the answer to this question.

Why do clothes that have pockets sometimes come sewn shut?

Monday, December 10, 2007


I am completely enamoured with these Enchanted Forest rings I found on Etsy. I can't decide which combo is the cutest. I don't think I would get anything done at work... I would just stare at my hand all day. *yech* Too cute.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Aaron's mom gave us these three little knit snowmen a couple years ago. They are supposed to be Aaron, me and Oscar.

Now we need another snowman for Stewie. Has anyone seen a pattern for anything like these out there?