Sunday, August 26, 2007


We went camping this weekend. Oscar was pretty excited.


We had the best breakfast ever.


And went canoeing. It was a big weekend for Oscar. He is passed out on the couch now.


  1. i think Oscar is the happiest dog i've ever seen!

  2. we are formerly from houghton, ny (a bit over an hour south of rochester) but now live in east africa. i laughed when i saw this post because the camp toaster that you used for breakfast is exactly like the one we use every single day here. works pretty well, eh?

  3. I love that he got into both pictures in the canoe. I don't think our Orlando would like camping. (He's a cat.)

  4. I swear Oscar is posing for the pictures.

  5. camping breakfasts are the best! dan's family makes waffles. as he says, everything tastes better outdoors. and arrow the beagle loves to canoe too!

  6. So glad to see Oscar is doing well.

    Hey wait a minute, is that 2 Oscars in the canoe??? I'm feeling like maybe I'm getting bamboozled...

  7. I see you are wearing crocs. Aren't they they greatest shoes ever!?!?!

  8. katrina - the toaster worked great!

    calabash - stewie is too snobby for camping. He doesn't like to be away from his amenities.

    carol - it does taste better!

    anonymous - I took one picture of Aaron and Oscar and when I handed Aaron the camera, Oscar moved over to me. He is a camera hog.

    anonymous - the crocs were super comfy and good since my feet got wet.
