Tuesday, July 31, 2007


One last picture of the Windy City.


There were a couple of questions in my comments I wanted to answer. HappyKatie wondered what I got at Lush.

Well, I got totally sucked in by their newest product, Shower Jellies. They are slabs of jiggly... well... jello like stuff that you can freeze, smoosh or cut out with cookie cutters then use as a shower gel. I got the The Big Calm... coconut and pineapple scent that is calming.

The soap in the upper right hand corner is Sandstone Soap. It actually has sand embedded on one end for exfoilation. I am always very smooth after a week at the beach so I have big hopes for this soap.

I also got a Magic Muscles Massage Bar. It has cinnamon, spice oils and aduki beans that will help relax sore muscles. Oh and I got a little tin to put it in.

I also got goodies for friends at home, but I can't remember what they were. I pretty much based all those purchases on how good stuff smelled.

Lady S wanted to know what Amy Sedaris was doing with the wand in the multi picture I posted.

She was demonstrating how you can use a wand to make guests think you use magic in the kitchen. You can see it here in the this video clip. (the video is cropped funny because a certain someone was holding the camera vertically for the video.... I'm not gonna name names, but let's just say HE feels a little silly now. I was able to rotate it with an iMovie plugin I downloaded. )


  1. squee! I see another Lush addict in the making.

  2. oooh - Amy Sedaris?! i'm so JEALOUS. she is just as hysterical as her witty brother. that must have been neat to hear her speak.

    the whole conference looked like a blast! Thanks for sharing n given us the INSIDE scoop.

  3. I want to eat that massage bar!

  4. My friend Jenn works for Lush, so she is always sending me little samples of new stuff. I am particular to The Blonde, Fresh Farmacy, & Happy soap.

  5. I wanna go to LUSH!

    Thanks for the little video. I think I need a magic wand in the kitchen.

    Did you get to Minnie's? I went to the website after you posted about it and now I want to go to Chicago, just to go to Minnie's.


  7. Ha ha...to funny! We went to Lush while in Portland, Oregon. I love their stuff! I got "Honey I Washed the Kids" and "Avowash" soap bars. Yum!
