Wednesday, April 26, 2006

World... meet Stewart. Stu... meet world.

Stewart has not grasped the concept of sitting still for pictures yet... but in my house he will catch on. Till then... fuzzy cat noses.

Folks seem surprised to hear how well Oscar and Stewie get on... I figure Stewie thinks Oscar is just a really tubby, funny looking cat.

More pictures on my EasyShare Gallery.


  1. Glad they are getting along. Now Oscar has a buddy during the day.

  2. He's got such a dignified face. What a cutie! He looks like he's fairly young, so here's to many years of fuzzy kitty snuggles.

  3. congratulations! he's adorable! i still miss my old cat like crazy. i can't wait to see more posts w/ him

  4. I love fuzzy cat noses! He's adorable :-)

  5. He is ADORABLE!! Uh...I mean HANDSOME! I have a female the same color. Enjoy him! I'm sure you won't have a dull moment with him and Oscar. Can't wait to see more pictures soon!

  6. What a sweetie! Does he have his own page yet? ;-)

  7. it's so wonderful they get along. i hope they become best buddies soon!

  8. how sweet!! is he named after stewie form family guy? what a sweet face!

  9. Sweet Father Christmas, that is one beeeyoootiful Stewie!!!! And he and Oscar look too adorable together. They're so close in size!

  10. now that you ave a kitty, you need to make him (and maybe Oscar too) a bed. I'm a VERY new knitter and made one. I found the pattern at it's the felted kitty bed - can also be found here

    both my furry beasts enjoy theirs...


  11. Yay for adopting! My boyfriend and I adopted our year old kitty at Lollypop about two months ago, and he's great! His name is Lewis, and he's part siamese. He's nuts, but we love him anyway. =)

  12. Ha! I love the pic (on the gallery) where he goes for the camera strap. I had to take my strap off permanently because my kitties think it is better than catnip. They won't sit still for pictures with it around. I found that to get a good kitty shot, waiting for them to lay down and holding a toy above my head works well... for a while that is until they get the energy to leap in the air and pounce on my head to get the toy... those make interesting pictures as well. lol.

  13. At last--A CAT! Stu is so adorable and so sleek. What a cutie-patootie. Glad to hear Oscar's adjusting.

  14. I love tabbies! My kitty is a tabby. Congratulations on the new addition to your family :)

