Friday, February 24, 2006

Someone had all his wisdom teeth pulled this morning.

I took this picture right after we came out of the dentist's office. It's his "muff moof muff mum mam mum mimmur" look.

Translation: "Sure you can take my picture and put it on your blog!"

Of course he was drugged up at the time.

It's gonna be soup and smoothies at our house this weekend.


  1. He looks more awake than I was (I got mine out in Decmeber) - I was totally put to sleep and don't remember the 3 hours after my surgery! LOL.

    I am VERY glad that my fiancee didn't manage to take my picture in the sedated state... lol :)

  2. Aww poor guy! I hope I never have to go through that. *knocks on wood* It sends shivers up my spine just thinking about it!

  3. aww. i remember getting mine out in college. oh boy. not fun.

    i thought the nurse was conspiring against me after i woke up from anaesthesia. but i also was suspicious of people out in the parking lot at the grocery store. so...


  4. Oy. Good luck to both of you this weekend.

  5. Man! That *so* sucks! Hope he feels better this weekend. Poor guy!

  6. Ok, this is the third person this week that has gotten their wisdom teeth out and isn't still in highschool!! I think dentists around the nation have some sort of bet going on to see how many people they can yank wisdom teeth out of!

    Enjoy the smoothies!

  7. ooo He looks like he's in pain! Good luck to you guys!

  8. Now's the time to put knitted cozies on everything in sight including him. *grin*

    Here's for a speedy recovery.

  9. I hope Aaron heals up super fast.

  10. An alternative title to this picture could be, "How many mini marshmallows can Aaron stuff in his mouth?"

  11. Bummer...Watch out for seeds in fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. You don't want them to get stuck in the healing holes and stitches! Not fun to try to get out. Hope Aaron is doing ok!

  12. i'm so i got mine out and over with, when i was 14!!!

  13. I remember when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. They were all impacted and it was actual surgery. In the end I got a fever of 105 (I kid you not) and ended up in the hospital on an IV. Aaa!


  14. Since I know you are a big Wegmans fan I just thought I would recommend a truly delicious and nutritious product they sell that You may wish to try while the "chops" are out of commision. In the produce department you can find beverages made by Bolthouse Farms. Most, although not all of them, are made with a ton of fruits and veggies and contain no added sugars. They are also high in essential nutrients such as protein, vitamin c, and magnesium. My favorite is not a fruit juice at all but a protein drink. It is vanilla chai tea. It is made with green chai tea, soy milk, vanilla, and spices and is absolutely fabulous. It doesn't taste like soy milk because I hate plain soy milk! It sorta has an egg nog taste without being thick and flegm producing like egg nog. I have also tried the C-Boost Tropical fruit smoothie, and a srawberry banana smoothie. They are delicious as well. They tend to be a little pricey but you will never find anything as nutritious that tastes as delicious as these do. Try them and let me know if you like them as much as I do. You can also check their site for more info and to see what the bottles look like so you know what to look for if you go to the store to find them.

  15. Awww! Got mine out when i was 10! Not fun to look like a chipmunk on the playground!

  16. I'll have to get some of the Bolthouse drinks... Aaron LOVES egg nog.

  17. Gotta second the boathouse drinks.. my fiancee loves the vanilla chai variety too. It's a little rich for me, but I like the fruit and even the vegetable drink (like v8) variety.

    Hope Aaron is on the way to recovery :)

  18. yikes! I was a pill when I got mine out at age 20. Just miserable! I'm sure it'll be a little easier having loving gal to take care of him and spoon feeding him Jello! :^) Here's to a quick recovery for Aaron!
