Thursday, January 26, 2006

There was a little bit of sun today. Thank goodness because I think Seasonal Affective Disorder was starting to set in. I felt like the blobby guy in the Time for Timer Saturday morning cartoon snip... "When I'm slow on the draw... When my ten gallon hat's a-feelin' five gallons flat... When my get up and go has got up and went... When I'm dancin' the hoedown and my boots kinda slow down.... I hanker for a hunk of cheese." Ok, so he was hungry for cheese and I am in need of a light box, but you get the idea.

It had been so dark and gloomy here I thought I would need these light up knitting needles. The light up drop spindle would be in order also.


  1. I can imagine using the light up needles while watching a movie.

  2. Light up knitting needles, aka tiny light sabors? Love it.

  3. "Timer"?

    Aaaaagh! I found that guy immensely disturbing when I was a child. What was he supposed to be? A lemon?

  4. cheese solves all problems...

  5. I totally remember Time for Timer as a little kid. I'm 34 and wish they would bring those spots back for the kids today. Thanks for the memories. :o)
