Thursday, November 17, 2005

Last year I hung indian corn on my front steps for Thanksgiving. The squirrels had eaten every kernel in two days.

This year I am performing a test. I hung one bundle normally, the other I coated in hot pepper sauce.

Either it will keep them from devouring my decorative corn, or they will enjoy the spicy flavor.


  1. Maybe it's Aaron and not the squirrels.

    Just saying.

  2. If it was my dog, he would view the hot sauce as "nice dressing" like he did when we tried to get him to stop eating our lawn furniture. But then again, this is the dog that eats Wasabi peas by the handfull.

  3. thing you know, you'll see those squirrels chugging water out of the hose in the backyard.

  4. You might try spraying them in citrus oil - it's supposed to repel dogs and cats, it might turn the squirrel's stomach, too. Do tell us if the Korean red pepper paste works!

  5. Don't know what the squirrels will think, but I just learned this week that Tabasco Sauce deterrs those pesty gnats from houseplants! Ahhh, the many uses of hot sauce.

  6. Year before last, we planted several jalapeno pepper plants. When they first set some little peppers, the squirrels ate every single one off the plants. They never touched them again. heh...


    You should go look at this. Pug comics rule.

  8. I know someone who accidentally filled all the little birdseed bags for their wedding with the pepper-treated kind to ward off squirrels.

  9. You could always put out a bunch of meant-to-be-eaten cobs for the squirrels. Coat them with peanut butter to be sure they only eat the ones that are meant for them. It's especially fun to attach those cobs near a window, so you can watch the squirrels munch away. What can I say - I like squirrels! And there's always the Squngee.

  10. I've read that the pepper paste and flakes cause blindness in squirrels when they rub their eyes.
