Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Every year at the Film Festival we have a tradition of going to the Four Seasons for afternoon tea. The scones are delicious and it is a good chance to spot stars in their natural habitat.

This year I noticed that they had Numi Leaves of Art flowering tea. (I noticed it after we had ordered so it was too late to get it - humpff)

Tea leaves are hand sewn with cotton string, so that when they are steeped in hot water they expand into flower shapes. So cool... I want to try it. It looks like it helps to have a glass teapot too or else you are just peering into a dark pot.


  1. those are so pretty! it would be so lovely to watch a "flower" to unfold and then to "drink" it. :)

  2. That's so beautiful! You've just solved a birthday gift dilemma for me, too. Thanks for the pointer.

  3. Another very very good reason to get a glass teapot! :) I wanted one for ages to display the fresh peppermint leaves in my tea (very pretty, they turn the water bright green). The tea flower is stunning - what an awesome idea!

  4. How pretty! I've never seen anything like afternoon tea and scones very pricey there??

  5. I love that tea too. My favorite tea shop in Evanston (North of Chicago) dreamabouttea,com has a similar tea called '8 treasures' similar to this one
    and the chrysanthemum flowers look beautiful when they open.

  6. Now that is too cool!

    I also love how you described bumping into stars in their natural habitat. LOL.

  7. Those are enchanting. I would love to find some, with glass teapots, for gifts this year. Thank you for the post.

  8. Those are so cool! It would be so nice to have one during an afternoon tea.
    BTW, have you visited Target recently? I live in CA and they sell bamboo knitting needles for $1!

  9. Thanks for posting this--now I know what to get for my mom's birthday!

  10. Flowering teas are so beautiful. Are you a big tea drinker? I *love* it. I'm addicted. hehe :) I've never tried any of the flowering teas, though, because I don't have a glass teapot ... yet! :)
