Monday, July 11, 2005

Tina had this flyer sitting on her kitchen table and it caught my eye. It was stuffed in their mailbox.

Services include cleaning, cooking, shopping and running errands.

If this is all that a wife is supposed to do then I didn't get the memo.

Am curious to see the "Rent a Husband" advert.


  1. "Rent a Husband" is a real company, though. They're like home repair and maintenance type of thing. I heard that it was started by some lady whose husband was always doing favors for friends and neighbors.
    I think the rent a wife one is really demeaning, though.

  2. My husband and I seriously need a wife. Or a grandma. Is there Rent-A-Grandma?

  3. I'm with Catie - I need a wife! :-)

  4. Yeah there is a "Husbands for Rent" sign on a lawn on one of the houses in our neighborhood. I am assuming mainly tasks such as lawnmowing, handywork, and such are offered. Too funny but I am guesing with the divorce rate and the number of singles getting houses that this proves to be pretty popular.

  5. That is interesting...How much do they charge an hour? I am thinking it would be a good side business.:-)

  6. Husband for Rent: Just like the real thing! Will sleep a lot, grumble about doing any housework. Will ask for sex too often, will fall asleep a minute after. Will forget your anniversary, will remember to buy beer for Super Bowl.

  7. I'd like rent-a-grandma.

    Then, I could know I'd always have someone who cared about what I was doing, who'd bake cookies for me when I was feeling sad, and who would spoil me just a little.

    Or rent-a-grandpa:

    someone to play Scrabble and chess with me, to teach me funny songs and jokes from when he was a kid, and to show me things like how to spit a watermelon seed farther than anyone else.

    (There is some comedienne who wrote an essay about how everyone, really, needs a "wife" to take care of things)

  8. Ha! Apparently my husband and I really need a wife!

  9. Rent a wives apparently don't have sex? Hmm...
