Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Here is something I saw awhile ago and forgot to blog about. One day at lunch we saw a news clip about the PetSpa. It's a "cabin" you put your dog in and they get washed and dried like a car at the car wash.

The video of the soggy dogs looking forlornly out the window was pathetic yet hilarious. There are some videos on their website too. This pet groomers shows cats in the spa, and they look extra unhappy.

I don't know how Oscar would like it, but if it would cut down his twenty minutes of misery in the tub being scrubbed by me down to five minutes in a box, I would certainly consider stuffing him in the PetSpa.


  1. The video of the cat on the PetSpa website is ultra hilarious. It looks very unhappy! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Our cat would HATE that!!! LOL! Very cool, though!

  3. Along the lines of pet care ... I heard on the radio this morning that the Governor of Hawaii signed legislation that makes it possible for people to leave a trust to their dog, cat or domestic animal for their care, should the owner pass away. It's making national news! http://www.khnl.com/Global/story.asp?S=3520496

  4. Yes, but will you be able to fit Aaron in there? Clean husbands are always a plus.

  5. Idunno, it looks traumatic. An animal doesn't understand and I think would just be traumatized by it. :(

  6. Awesome blog! Supercalifragilistiexpealidoucious! My dog would have 3000 panic attacks if I put him in one of those doggie car washes!!!! The horrors!
