Wednesday, May 4, 2005

I learned from a co-worker that a barn I sometimes drive by actually has a cell phone tower hidden in it's cupola. I don't know if it is a thing that is unique to this area, but there are a lot of suspicious looking trees and tall objects that are actually cell phone towers.

Here are a few examples. If you are familiar with Rochester, click through some of the other stories on the site... they're pretty funny.


  1. there was just an article in the new york times about this a few days ago.

  2. I think you meant to say there are a lot of cell phone towers disguised as trees and other tall objects, rather than the other way around. It's funny to think of a tree trying to look like a large metal pole!

  3. Yeh, they've been doing that because so many people thought the cell towers are an eye sore. They even pay you when you cover it up by making it a piece of architect to your building. Lots of church steeples are actually cell towers. Kinda neat when you think about it.

  4. Out here in SoCal, they disguise them as palm trees!

  5. Thanks for the link. I enjoyed reading the Rochester stories. I love it here and it's nice to see other people who do too. :) It's not just me... ;)

  6. Interesting to see they do that in other areas. I thought it was just one of those many restrictions they have here to make things pretty and uniform where I live in NC.

  7. I hadn't heard of them in church steeples & barn cupolas... we have lots o' the ugly tree variety here in Eastern PA. & they were very common out in Colorado too - always much taller than all the other trees.

  8. Wow, that's a great website! As a former Rochesterian (coming in for a visit home this weekend!) I'm always looking for cool Rochester stuff and info.
