Friday, May 27, 2005

I almost forgot about this little clip I shot at the Lilac Festival last weekend. Everytime we go there for a concert, we see Shirtless Dancing Old Guy. He is almost as entertaining to watch as the band. He looks like he is having a blast. People have started taking their picture with him. Snort.


  1. I just wanted to post a late thank you for posting the instructions on how to put movies in a blog. I finally managed to do it! Now everyone can enjoy my pugs barking like nuts.

  2. Oh dear! In my hometown (Ottawa), the dancing fool was always some young nerdy fella. Young or old it's always a laugh.

  3. Is that...*pause*...santa? I've always wondered what he does in the off season. :)

    I noticed another comment about putting video into blogs. A lot of people are "vlogging". If it's ok I'd like to recommend a couple of my favorites in case you want to check them out:
    I don't have a camera with that kind of feature but I'm saving up for one. I think videos in blogs are pretty cool. Adds a whole new dimension. I'd love to see videos of oscar and ernie.

  4. ha! lol. I love it when people dance like that. There really should be a site dedicated to dancers dancers... like www dot dancing homers dot com - too funny :)
