Sunday, February 20, 2005

Being of German descent, before Lent my grandmother and great aunts make a huge batch of fausnaughts (doughnuts) on Fausnaught Day (Fat Tuesday). Since I couldn't talk her into FedEx-ing me a dozen this year, Aaron and I went to Donuts Delite.

Going to Donuts Delite is like a step back in time. Some things have never changed there since the day they opened. The sign, the antique cash register, the dutch girl floor design. And the doughnuts... MMMMmmmm! Pictures of us mowing down on doughnuts.


  1. How fun! I love to see the local stuff. You can just smell the donuts or is it doughnuts?

  2. What an awesome-looking place! And good-looking donuts too. We were just at Krispy Kreme yesterday and after three krullers I swore I never wanted another donuts in life. But now...hmmmmmmm...

  3. we ate all of these! more donuts!

  4. My father's family is German and they celebrate too! We missed the party this year, but thankfully an uncle dropped off some of the faustnacts for us!

  5. You don't happen to have that receipe for fausnaughts do you? My grandmother used to make them also and I'd love to try them. Thanks - Al
