Sunday, September 26, 2004

Yes, that was quite the cake Oscar had for his birthday. Instead of ordering a cake from Three Dog Bakery this year, I set about making a dog friendly cake myself. Aaron did a fine job decorating it. All dogs made short work of devouring it.

I added a project page on how to make one.


  1. Sounds like it's people-friendly too. Did you taste it as well?

  2. Both Tina and Aaron tasted it and said it was pretty good!

  3. You and the hubby should go into business.

  4. Such a cute idea LJC, I'll have to pass the recipe on to some of my dog-owning friends!

    And I'm quite impressed with Aaron's decorating skills!

  5. You are so gourmet (or is it "gourmutt" in this case)?

  6. I think I say this once a week in your comments, but I just have to say it again: I LOVE OSCAR! He is the cutest dog. Pugs are just the best.
